2012 Revisión entradas

El WordPress.com stats preparó un informe anual 2012 de este blog.

Aquí está un extracto:

Nuevo Boeing 787 Dreamliner puede llevar a aproximadamente 250 pasajeros. Este blog fue visto aproximadamente 1.000 veces en 2012. Si esto fuera un Dreamliner, esto tomaría aproximadamente 4 viajes para llevar a aquella mucha gente.

Click here to see the complete report.

Acerca de martialavedra

Image photography technical specialist. I combine my professional activity with the teaching of photography since 1983. I have also realized different individual and collective exhibitions. I have taken part in several seminars, conferences and festivals of photography. Nowadays I develop my activity as an autonomous photographer giving services to companies and institutional organisations. I also collaborate as a teacher of photography in the department of visual communication of the Escola Massana Center of Art i Design in Barcelona.
Esta entrada fue publicada en eventos y etiquetada , , . Guarda el enlace permanente.

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